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2003-04-23 | 12:19 p.m. | responsibility
so marty's pet name for me is kitten.
"you all right kitten?"
"now don't try to fix that toaster while it's plugged in, kitten."
that kind of thing.
so this means i'm being a very mean kitten to marty.

he's been unemployed now for three weeks. in that time he's shirked his duties of cleaning house, doing laundry, and finishing a list of ten things to do around the house. oh...and getting a job. he hasn't done that yet. so yesterday this happens:
marty: "i'll be going out with the guys tomorrow night"
mari: *blink blink*
marty: "that's okay, right?"
mari: "aside from the fact that you haven't done anything you were supposed to in the past three weeks, we have zero money. and your friends don't have enough money to take your broke-ass out, so no. you can't go out. you obviously can't get your work done during the day, so that means you have to wait until the weekends to go out. sorry.
marty: *obvious dissapointment*

so today he went to go deposit our federal refund check, but called to let me know that it needed my signature.
mari: "well i guess you can come out to my work and have me sign it."
marty: "but mari, i'm busy cleaning house and stuff."
mari: "why?"
marty: "because i want to go out tonight."
mari: "what part of no did you not understand? if you had the house cleaned etc. before today then things would be different. if you go out tonight then you need to leave your car keys, your house keys, and your wallet.
marty: "oh. okay. then i guess you're not going to change your mind."
mari: "are you going to be home when i get home so that we can go print off copies of your resume?"
marty: *shakes head yes*

damn i hate being the responsible one.

~Miss M







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