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2006-01-27 | 8:46 a.m. | Dissention
Sorry I've been away so long, widgets. I've been meaning to update you, but I've got something on my mind that just couldn't wait.

So when Brokeback Mountain and Glory Road was advertised, I dismissed them, stating that I wasn't concerned with the rights of gays or blacks because, frankly, women still make less than men for doing the same job (and that's just fer starters). I've got my own struggles right now, ones that aren't repeated constantly through trite, mundane, outrageously common movies.

So for pies and squiggles I picked up a book on Japanese pop culture. The book is nearly a decade old, but it's damn interesting (The Encyclopdia of Japanese Pop Culture, Schilling, 1997). The part I absolutely could not stand and that has me -eek!- writing in my diary again is this :

This passage talks about Takarazuka, an all-female theatrical troupe, the opposite of Kabuki.

"But what do sophisticated Westerners think when they see young women in men's clothes acting in lavishly staged, unabashedly romantic reworkings of popular manga, old Broadway musicals, and, more recently, the Kennedy assassination? A common first reaction is that the women are lesbians camping it up. When the Takarazuka troupe appeared in London in 1994, the gay and lesbian community turned out in force, delighted by what the gay magazine Phaze described as 'show tunes and sequined frocks on a revolving stage.' The article added that lesbians, on seeing the love scenes between the troupe's 'men' and women 'will not need to do much reading between the lines.'"

Because if men do it it's art. If chicks do it, it's campy lesbo fun.

I guess it really just proves my point that I will not be watching the gay cowboy movie, because as a woman, I've got shit of my own to fight for, and it ain't "I love rounding up livestock and secretly cowpoking my cattle-rasslin' partner." And I will not be seeing another movie about the struggles of black folk dominating sports.

No, virginia, there is no such thing as equality in this nation. But the struggle is not for any one group to overdramatize.

I'll just continue my fight, thank you very much.








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